Calendar of Events

Services are held in English on the first Sunday of every month.  The Creed and the Lord's Prayer are recited in Greek, Russian (usually) and English - with Georgian, Romanian and other tongues to be heard depending on who is present in the congregation each week. All visitors are welcome to attend the Holy and Divine Liturgy, but you should note that only confirmed Orthodox Christians are permitted to receive Holy Communion.  The blessed, but non-sanctified bread, distributed at the end of the Holy Liturgy, antidoron, is offered to all Christians.

Please note new start time         Προσοχή αλλαγή ώρας έναρξης

Programme of Services in July 2024

Πρόγραμμα Ἀκολουθιῶν Μηνὸς Ἰουλίου 2024




Matins and Divine Liturgy every Sunday 08.30-11.30

Ὄρθρος καὶ Θεία Λειτουργία κάθε Κυριακή 08.30-11.30



Vespers every day at 18.30

Ἐσπερινὸς κάθε μέρα στις 18.30



Catechism every Tuesday at 19.15

Κατήχηση κάθε Τρίτη στις 19.15


Additional Services:

Ἄλλες ἑορτές:

Thursday 11 July:       Vigil for St Paisios (Vespers, Matins, Liturgy)            18.30-22.00

Πέμπτη11 Ιουλίου:      Αγρυπνία του Οσίου Παΐσίου                                         18.30-22.00


Saturday 20 July: Matins & Divine Liturgy (Prophet Elijah)                 08.30-10.45

Σάββατο 20 Ιουλίου: Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία (Προφήτου Ηλιού)      08.30-10.45


Saturday 27 July: Matins and Divine Liturgy (St Panteleimon)              08.30-10.45

Σάββατο 27 Ιουλίου: Όρθρος/Θεία Λειτουργία (Αγίου Παντελεήμονος)  08.30-10.45

Main worshiping area

We disinfect the main worshipping area before opening the doors. Although the same applies to the toilets, there is no disinfection of the kitchen area.


(i)             We expect that faithful will not congregate at the entrance or exit

(ii)           We have provided alcohol-based hand sanitizer/gel at both entrance and exit

(iii)           If you want to wear a face covering, you can either bring your own or you may ask for one. As these items are costly and difficult to obtain, a 50p contribution will be greatly appreciated

Infection prevention and safety

v  All members in attendance must maintain physical distancing at all times, including entrance and exit doors

v  Anyone who is unwell or who shows symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature/fever, cough or loss of smell), or is in the extremely vulnerable group, or is shielding, who is isolating, or is living with someone who is isolating or is unwell, MUST NOT ATTEND THE CATHEDRAL.

v  If a face covering is not used for medical or other reasons, please cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not hands) when coughing or sneezing

v  Please note that there will be no access to the toilets when visiting the Cathedral for private prayer and contemplation

v  Avoid close contact with people who may become unwell when within the building; inform immediately one of the officers or volunteers in attendance

v  Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

v  Do not touch face, eyes, nose or mouth if hands are not clean.


An adequate supply of candles has been laid out with an officer or a volunteer overseeing their distribution. A POS (point-of-sale) system is installed for your convenience. It accepts all major credit/debit cards, as well as ApplePay and GooglePay.


The practice of bowing to venerate the icons is recommended, but where visitors touch the icons, these will be sanitised with wipes between each person to ensure hygiene measures are continued.